Space Saga




No Need for a Rebellion! (Episode 14)
Tenchi files into outer space to save the girls

No Need for an Escape! (Episode 15)
Tenchi and the gang are now wanted criminals for attempting a Coup d d'etat!

No Need for Hiding! (Episode 16)
They decide to head for the Planet Jurai to find the truth!

No Need for Hunger! (Episode 17)
Come back Ryoko, everyone is dying of hunger!

No Need for a Ghost! (Episode 18)
Tenchi and the gang are wanders in the Sargasso Sea of Space!

No Need for Runaways! (Episode 19)
They find out that Yagami, has been stolen!

No Need for Swimsuits! (Episode 20)
At a planet side beach resort, Tenchi and the gang take part-time jobs to pay for the repairs and upgrades to Yagami. The gang gets great news on a swimsuit contest, that pays 1 Million Jurai currency. So, Ayeka, Ryoko, Mihoshi, and Kiyone sign up for the contest. Nagi the Bounty Hunter is back in this one.

No Need for a Checkpoint! (Episode 21)
Tenchi and company arrive at a checkpoint on the border of Jurai space. The gang has to disguise themselves to get thru Jurai security, but like always in this series Mihoshi blunders the gangs plans again.

No Need for Knights! (Episode 22)
Mihoshi does another blunder, she falls asleep at the helm of Yagami, and a Jurai warship closes on them. Katsuhito, Tenchi's grandfather, tells Kiyone to head for a star cluster that isn't on the star chart, the Scared Place of the Jurai. Everyone wants to know how grandfather knows about this. The Guardians Azaka and Kamidake play a big part in this one.



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